February 24, 2009

The Solution to the Mortgage/Housing Crisis

Hey, it's better than a tent city. A car city! A STINGER car city. With flashlight.

Palestinians celebrating Obama's victory - oops, I mean celebrating 9/11. Did you know that Obama's sending Gaza 900 million dollars to reward their lobbing rockets into Israel for years and countless suicide bombings and doing nothing with the land except build a terrorist base? Why doesn't Israel tell us to go to hell already?

And, come to find out Henrietta Hughes, whom Womanist Musings calls "courageous" and "the foundation of the US", and claims that questioning her only proves the GOP has no heart at all, actually is a lying cheat. She signed a quit-claim deed on the home she owned jointly (actually she owned THREE lots) with her son so that her free gub'mint money wouldn't get messed up. Foundation of the US huh? Well, I guess that's true in a way. A horrible way. Sweetness and Light has all the poop; with a big Hat Tip to Moonbattery. Now I'm left to wonder, where DID that 124 grand come from, and was she hand-picked by the Obi-wan Barrel o'M**k*ys to put on that show, or did she think it up on her own? I recall reading a little something about how one gets into one of those things, and it's mighty suspicious, but then she's a phony, too, so who knows? We'll likely find out at some point, though the very act of finding out is called cruel, heartless mockery.

Hey, at least no heavy campaign contributors are illegally using government databases to search out her fraud like they did with Joe the Plumber - no one's gonna be indicted for proving what a phony this "courageous" "foundation of the US" is.


vesta44 said...

Yeah, I'd like to see a mortgage company foreclose on that one.

Anonymous said...

Let's see... criminal president, criminal cabinet members, criminals in the front row. Guilt by association? Yeah, that's cruel. I have no heart. I admit it. I'm not a criminal therefore I expect the leader of my country to abide by the same laws I do. Those of a feather flock together and they sure are flocking. Flocking assholes!

Larry said...

What?!?! Henrietta Hughes is a welfare cheating fake?!?!?!?!?

Say it ain't so!!!!!

Next thing you are going to tell me is that His Obamaness knew all about it beforehand...

Anniee451 said...

Well, that's the part that remains to be seen, doesn't it, Larry? From what I've read about getting into those things, it seems a cheat COULD have gotten in, but it also seems Obama could have invited her. It's all a big fucking mystery. Either way, she's the hope of our nation, apparently. The "salt" of the fucking earth, if "salt" means "battery acid."

Larry said...

I guess Mom was right. Too much salt is bad for you.

Funny how Mom is right so much...