June 9, 2011

And One Coulter to Rule Them - Continued

Naturally Keith Olbermann or Michael Moore would NEVER get such intros or questions; but neither can they handle criticism - Ann doesn't give a shit. It's a badge of honor for the left to not understand her humor or her point. This "reporter"? That's what happens to people whose first memory is their mother holding them underwater.

On a sad note, I had the rare PERFECT opportunity, a clear set-up, to say "There is no spoon" and MISSED IT! I suck at internet! Dammit.

And since Ann had SUCH a busy week, let's see her PWN Joy Bitch-har! Sweet!


Stephen T. McCarthy said...

love, Love, LOVE Ann Coulter! And I would love to be hated as much as Ann Coulter is. And I probably would be if the (dumb)masses of Americonned People read my blog.

And I know perfectly well WHY the Dumb-O-Crats hate Coulter as much as they do: It's because she took the Liberal playbook that had worked so well for those Marxist retards for so many decades and she turned it back on THEM!

That's right! To state it accurately (if in trite phraseology), Ann Coulter gave the Left "a dose of the same medicine" that they had been dishing out for so long. And guess what. They didn't like the taste of it! Too bad! (Learn to love it, Leftloons!)

However, to be honest, I must also add that, in my opinion, Ann is much, much better on the printed page than she is in a live interview. When she has time to think out her responses and cutting remarks, she is pretty much unbeatable. But live, on the spot, she is only slightly above average.

I hate to say it because it sounds boastful, but I think on the fly, I would actually be quicker than she is. And my old buddy Torch would absolutely eat her lunch. But then again Torch was the most quick-witted person I've ever known, and he would destroy anyone in a tit-for-tat one-on-one...

I remember once, I thought I had nailed Torch pretty good, but he turned the table on me so quickly I was compelled to applaud and bow.

But, regardless, Ann is still #1! The entire Conservative movement owes her a debt of gratitude for fighting like a real man when no real men could be found in the Republican party (which, by the way, I'm not).

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

I also meant to mention but forgot to (what with the bourbon an' all), that there is no reason that my old buddy Torch and Ann Coulter ever would need to debate one-on-one tit-for-tat, because both are playing for the same team: "Team Republican".

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Anniee451 said...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking - that you and Torch may be able to beat her well...but about what? More likely you'd team up and trounce the leftist sonsabitches together! And THAT would be a beautiful thing.

Ann's strength here is that she DOESN'T cede an inch, that she DOESN'T let them get away with shit, that she's even WILLING to keep coming right back at them at all - as you say, so few were willing to do that at all; we owe her for doing so!

And in this case, and the one below, you know what's really awesome? That in the face of the left and the press portraying the smartest political movement in the country as abjectly stupid (the Tea Party), Ann not only sticks by them but asserts the intelligence and stands by it. That truly warms the cockles of my heart. And I kind of know what a cockle is, too.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Yep. I agrees wid ya wholeheartedly. Ann don’t back down. She has said a thing or two in the past that kinda pissed me off, but you think I would ever fail to “have the back” of someone who so forcefully defended Senator McCarthy? I would go to war for Ann Coulter.

(By the way, you never told me what you thought of my defense of Joe McCarthy at that website I directed you to. I’ll bet you never even finished reading it, huh? Well, I’m gonna blow my own horn just one more time by saying that when you can overwhelm a hardcore Leftist with facts to such a degree that I did there, so that the Leftist never even responds – doesn’t even have the decency to leave a parting, “Fuck you!” – then you done won the fight with a “knockout!”)

Yes, Ann has a major public voice, so as much as I loved her already, when she went to bat for Senator McCarthy in her book “Treason”, I pretty much would have kissed her…

Well, look, HONESTLY, she’s not my type at all. I know a lot of guys seem to find her attractive, but I truly do not, not in the least. However… in gratitude for what she did for McCarthy, I would let her have her way with me. Hell, I’d even wear pink Speedos if she wanted me to – even though I know that’s justifiable grounds to be condemned to hell for eternity.

>>…That truly warms the cockles of my heart. And I kind of know what a cockle is, too.

Well, you’re a married woman, so you’re entitled to know.

~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’

Anniee451 said...

Oh heck, yeah, I DID read it - I was sure I left you a comment about that - wonder if it got lost? It was a very nice gotcha.

Anniee451 said...

As for looks, I think Ann is pretty enough, but sexy/attractive? Well, with the full package under consideration, probably not so much. I like her hair and her face is pretty to me, and I enjoy her voice and speaking manner (hehe, admittedly it's quite East Coast) but that doesn't mean she's some robo-babe. Which is totally not the issue lol. She's perfectly presentable, and that's enough. (And easier on the eyes than, say, Hillary or Rosie O'Donnell, no?)

But yes, I wasn't thinking about her defense of McCarthy - you're right. It's the same with the Tea Party - as in, I feel the same way with her defense of the Tea Party and yes, Sarah Palin. It's something too few are willing to do, and on that basis alone she stands out - much like with her defense of the Senator. It's what makes her so valuable, so irreplaceable. And people like us remain grateful for things like that, that are so important to us.

cmblake6 said...

If Ann Coulter wanted to keep me around the house in nothing but a French Maid's apron and a feather duster, I'd be a happy man.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Aww, I wasn't REALLY doubting that you had fully read my McCarthy defense; I was just trying to twist yer arm a bit to make you say something positive because I'm so needy and insecure.

But, in actuality, that was the sort of debate I was once routinely involved in. Most other topics, although I knew I could defend my positions and end up victorious, I very rarely entered into the fray when I saw some Liberal making an ass of himself. But let that same Liberal make a derogatory remark about the good Senator and I would be all over him or her like Yngwie Malmsteen on a fretboard!

I generally mind my own business, but when you're Genghis Khan and some "schlub" insults your hero and starts throwing wet sponges at you, why would you not go over and take his friggin' head off? (Well... I would... and did.)

That was my first "McCarthy War" in about 3 years, and it felt kind of good to sharpen my sword again and get some blood on the blade.

>>...(And easier on the eyes than, say, Hillary or Rosie O'Donnell, no?)

Oh, geesh! Goes without saying! I don't mean to imply that Ann Coulter is homely or ugly or Hillary or Rosie - she ain't lezzy lookin'.

No, it's just that I'm not hot for her based on her looks. Sure, she's long and leggy, and I do understand why some guys are hot for her. But I'm naturally attracted to the dark-haired women with big brown eyes. Put a bunch of beautiful blonde supermodels in a room with one Hispanic woman you found in the local shopping mall, and I'm gonna start hitting on the Hispanic woman every time! That's just me.

>>...I enjoy her voice and speaking manner (hehe, admittedly it's quite East Coast)

Oh, is she from the East Coast? I really don't know much about her personally. Except that I do know she has remained unmarried (just further proof that she is one "smart cookie"!)

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Ha!-Ha! The pink Speedos go without saying then, eh?

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Anniee451 said...

Actually that's not just you. Both me and my husband are exactly the same way. I'll pick a Johnny Depp over a Brad Pitt (although he is one of the few genuinely hot blond guys) or Penelope Cruz over Heather Locklear (er, circa 1981?) orrrr...tossup - Vin Diesel/Herman Cain over er...hmm I can't think of blonds to put up against them even just to say they're not as good.

And I don't even like muscles!

Clammy, you can come to my house and I'll let you wear jeans and flannels. I can even make political speeches and do mock interviews LOL (Also I don't think Coulter knows how to make pecan pie.)

Anniee451 said...

And I understand - certain people reject my writing regularly (don't even want to look lol) and sometimes I write something I'm really happy with and no one ever sees it, and sometimes it's fun to just remember a time when you particularly kicked ASS. IMO most bloggers can relate to that, and those of us who came out of message boards, as I did, in particular really know how it is to lose those moments into a 404 hole. So, we know that they're valuable.

cmblake6 said...

I love her so much!

cmblake6 said...

And Stephen, no pink speedos. My natural fur alone for undergarments.