April 30, 2009

Cloudy With a Chance of Swine

Relevant section begins 2:18. Hear Biden's answer to the personal, non-gotcha question? Good, because I get what he's saying. Not so easy for some of us who have no choice but to go to work or people who can't just yank their children out of school until all the danger has passed, but fair enough. Now see Gibbsy try to spin the answer - and watch the press howl in laughter.

Haha! What he MEANT to say was... Sir, that's not remotely what he said. This stuff is gold. Anytime Biden's in the picture it gets funny again - they should put HIM on everyday instead of the Teleprompter Jesus; at least it would all be fun to watch! h/t to Allahpundit and Ace

Now I also have this fabulous interview between Liz Cheney and that asshole "reporter" Norah Dumbass and Liz just shreds her. It's in three parts and they are all worth watching, but #1 contains the money shot - where Norah actually makes the argument that the reason we abide by the Geneva Convention (not relevant here since we didn't employ torture and these were non-uniformed enemy combatants whom it would have been perfectly legal to simply shoot in the field - except we benefited from the information) IS SO THAT WHEN OUR SOLDIERS ARE CAPTURED THEY WILL BE TREATED WELL. No, seriously, she said that. She even, I think, BELIEVES it. Apparently no one forced her to watch the beheading videos. And actually you're lucky if a beheading is all you get. Whatever, here's the embed; the other two parts follow - trust me it's worth it. Can we please get Liz on a ticket? I'll vote for her. Also, Norah Dumbass LIES through her teeth.

Finally, a funny take on "torture" since we're on the subject - gotta love Steven Crowder! Norah should see this one (it came out before the memos confirmed it all, too). Featuring Steven's Beheading - I wonder if that's anything like Stevie's Spanking.


Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Yo! ANNIE...

Just in case you haven’t come across this yet, here’s the web address for my new favorite political Lol at Cheezburger. (Yer gonna love this!)


Also... A couple of days ago, I posted two Blog Bits in defense of Senator Joseph McCarthy on my UN-P.C. Blog. (Saturday was the 52nd anniversary of his death.) You are a Joe Fan I presume. Yes?

<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>

Anniee451 said...

Hey there - are you cmackley? Awesome. If not, he's awesome anyway - I believe I uploaded that same pic to lolcats :D

As to McCarthy - I once started a massive shitstorm with the mere statement that "But McCarthy was right, though" at punditKitchen. Dey no like dat too much. When challenged continually to produce factual evidence, leftist news sources that were willing to SAY he was right, needless to say I didn't find much - first of all it was in the early days of the net to begin with, and second of all, EVERYONE KNOWS THIS ALREADY. They can argue his methods, they can argue his ardor, but how can they possibly argue that there were communist operatives in Washington, that in fact most of his charges were CORRECT? This is not classified information anymore, which is why we have it.


But yes, any further information you'd care to send my way is welcome. I don't pretend to be any kind of expert on the matter.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

>>[Hey there - are you cmackley?]<<

Nah, I'm not cmackley. I just happened to come across his Lol at the site and thought it was tremendous. I did recognize his name, however, because he had previously Favorited one of my Lols also (The Black Rappers/Gomer Pyle Connection).

>>[As to McCarthy - I once started a massive shitstorm with the mere statement that "But McCarthy was right, though" at punditKitchen.]<<

Wish I'd been there. I would have had your back big time!

I was sure you had to know that McCarthy was a RIGHTeous American patriot though.

When I had the time, I always enjoyed debating the Anti-McCarthyites because a one-sided debate is a blast when you're representing the one side that has ALL of the facts to support it.

It's like beating a Commie with a big stick - who wouldn't enjoy THAT?!

>>[They can argue his methods, they can argue his ardor, but how can they possibly argue that there were communist operatives in Washington...]<<

Well, actually, they can't even argue his methods as he was essentially following standard protocol for Congressional Investigative Committees.

McCarthy was doing only ONE thing wrong: he was exposing communists who had infiltrated our government. Furthermore, the Powers That Be knew that if he wasn't stopped he would eventually spill the beans on the entire "New World Order" agenda. And that's why the Republicans eventually aligned with the Democrats to halt his progress. The parties are simply two slightly different sides of the same coin and so they both had a vested interest in seeing McCarthy censured and thus made irrelevant in government. He was too right and too dangerous a loose cannon to be allowed to continue.

>>[But yes, any further information you'd care to send my way is welcome.]<<

Well, for starters, I'd say read the lengthy essay 'THE REAL McCARTHY RECORD' by James Drummey, which I linked to the end of my last Blog Bit. Read that and you'll know PLENTY. It's all factual, too, as years of study on the subject has conclusively shown me.

I'm just glad McCarthy didn't live to see the day that this ignorant, numbnutz country elected a full-blown Marxist to the White House. That would have been a slap to his face more painful than a bullet in his chest!

Dogs, Vomit, Fools, Folly...